Reach Your Community

Start a Life Group

Life Groups are simple and are easily reproduced. You can start one right where you are.We have resources to help you.

Reach your community

Village Journey

Village Journey is an in depth, step-by-step guide to starting a Life Group. It will help you follow in the footsteps of the early Christian disciples, finding ways to speak about and show the love and power of Jesus. With practical tasks each week, you and your friends can work with Jesus to expand the kingdom of God by loving your community.

One Step

One Step will help you gather friends to understand how you can be part of what God is doing and be missionaries where you are! Through 6 interactive sessions, complete with videos and a course book, you will learn how to start and lead a Life Group together.

Whether you are looking to reach your neighbours, work colleagues or family; new parents, young people or your friends in the gardening club – One Step will inspire you and give you tools to be able to build community in that context.

Stories from the Community

Tiwonge testimonial photo

Tiwonge’s Story

Tiwonge* lives in Petauke, Zambia, where traditional dancing for chiefs and the men of the community is common. If it looks overtly sexual to an outsider, that’s because it sometimes is, and the young girls who participate often have no say in what happens afterwards.

“There is a group of about 15 young girls who have been coming to the Life Groups in our area. They decided together to resist the calls to participate in dancing for the chief and the men of the village and everything that goes with it.”

No one told Tiwonge to help these girls, but thanks to him they have become involved in a small community of people who are making a stand for Jesus; they have been empowered to make a choice. What is happening is the natural outworking of the relationship that Tiwonge has with Jesus. With knowledge, faith and a little community boldness, wonders can happen.

*Name and picture changed to protect privacy
Andrews testimonial photo

Andrew’s Story

Andrew lives in Kamboshe, a small town off the main north-south road that cuts through the heart of Zambia.

“After being part of a Life Group, I have come to know the word of God, which has changed my life. I used to drink a lot. I would beat my wife and would not care for my family. I did not think my marriage was important. I am no longer the same. I am a changed person.”

Andrew now works together with his friends to plant Life Groups in their area. “As we have learned to forgive, work with others and act with love,” he says, “it’s like the love has taken root and spread. Nowadays people are much more willing to learn from and listen to one and another. We are seeing change across our community."

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For Life Groups & Mission Pioneers

Publication: Away KitPlantPublication: Village JourneyPublication: Life BeginsPublication: Love your childrenPublication: One step
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