A new roof for Auntie Mumba
At the start of 2014 Pilius joined the Luapula South Impact Team working alongside Cornelius. Since then he has been helping to plant new Life Groups and support existing groups. He recently shared a testimony of a Life Group in his area who have done something amazing.Auntie Mumba lives in Kamata near Samfya. She was born in 1956 and now lives on her own as she is a widow. Earlier this year the roof of Auntie Mumba’s hut was blown off by strong winds leaving her without shelter. The Life Group meeting in her village decided that they could do something to help her. They went deep into the bush to cut poles for a new roof and grass for thatching and then returned to her house and constructed a new roof.Auntie Mumba is now a part of the Life Group and has brought others with her. The group is one of three in the area and now has fifteen regular members.