Working together in Uganda
Over the last 18 months we have forged new relationships in Uganda. We've got to know villagers who have contacted us, a ministry leader we approached and a friend of a church leader we know from elsewhere.
Becky, as part of the Dignity team, has been able to help these individuals think about mission to the villages in rural Uganda, offer encouragement and training, and something has begun to emerge.
There are now over 50 life groups in Uganda and Dignity has not made a pioneering trip to the country… yet!
To see the work grow and widen, Becky, together with her husband, Tim, and their son, Freddie, are making a trip to Uganda for 3 weeks in September. They are excited to see first hand what is happening on the ground and encourage others to get involved.
They will be visiting some of the groups outside Kampala and Jinja in central Uganda. They are looking forward to hearing stories, encouraging people and offering further training.
They will also be connecting to others who they can share the ideas of life groups with. These could be people who can start groups themselves, or church leaders and organisations who can help others to start groups. This will look like one-to-one conversations as well as bringing people together for some training.
Finally, they will be helping make connections between the key people who are pioneering life groups. What has started in Uganda is owned by local people and we do not want undermine that. Our hope is that connecting them now will mean strong foundations for this work to last.
Please join us in praying for Becky and her family as they take on this adventure. Ultimately their hope is to build friendships and see God empower and inspire people to take action in their community.
Pray for Becky, Tim and Freddie:
You can pray for:
- God given connections with people. It's always beautiful when God brings us alongside the people who have been crying out to him for their communities.
- Discernment and wisdom. There are so many decisions to make when pioneering and we need God's help with these.
- Safety and protection over the family. We know God goes before them as they travel and we want them to know his daily presence keeping them safe.
Help cover the costs of this work:
Your giving will help people build community, bring others to Jesus and overcome disadvantage. The fruit of this pioneering trip will be seen over the years to come. You can make a donation here.